”Eternity” by William Blake

“He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy
He who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity’s sunrise”

Mel Brooks said as long as the earth is spinning, we are going to be dizzy and make mistakes, we are unrehearsed.


Whether we like it or not, life will give us an education of the heart.

Some are good students and others not so much.

Nothing in life is worth a damn without love ❤️

It doesn’t matter what you believe, like, at all.

It matters what you do locally, to those who need and love you and to the stranger too.

Actions have consequences.

How much love is in your life?

It’s all that matters to you.

And by you I mean me.

There is no happy ending here, but there is a whole lotta love ❤️

“If you’re quiet, you’re not living. You’ve got to be noisy and colorful and lively.


Look, I don’t want to wax philosophic, but I will say that if you’re alive you’ve got to flap your arms and legs, you’ve got to jump around a lot, for life is the very opposite of death.

Relax, none of us are getting out of here alive.”

—Mel Brooks


so I cremated

my dad yesterday

it was a good day

drunk dial

i hate you father 
i hate you mother

dad, you were
a lovable bastard

mom, you are
a hateful bitch

do i sound like
i am angry

there is no good
way to clean this shit up

i guess i really hate
in myself what i hate in you

i inherited your stupidity
your darkness and weakness

forgive me for i know
not what i do

there were moments
of sweetness and joy

they shine like starry jewels
amongst all the dark shit

don’t call me again
with your fear mother dear

ding dong
dad is dead

who will carry
him to his ashy grave

i want to love you
but it’s just too damn much

has love truly
died in me

it will take me time
to let things go

don’t talk to me
about forgiveness

what happened is done
now we live in the ruins love

what happens next
no one knows

ruins of love
ruins of love

forgotten pain
hidden jewels

my wounds
are my inheritance

i know that bastards
tore chunks out of you too

i cannot forgive
but I can forget

time for one more drink…

blue tears

death has been stalking me

that’s fine

let it come when it’s best

there is a stillness here

time runs slow

clocks weep sad blue tears of doubt

still, I love this

though it will destroy me, I love it

Even Stars Die

Death, the great unknown, the final mystery, the end of all our earthly struggles, the cessation of our history.

But is it truly the end, or just a new beginning, a transition to another plane, a chance for the soul to sing?

For death is not a tragedy, but a natural part of life, a chance to be released from pain, and end all earthly strife.

So let us embrace death’s sweet kiss, and trust in its loving embrace, for it is only through death’s door, that we find our final resting place.

—smelly goat 🐐

I’ve Got The Music In Me

I ran from love terrified
Until I could go no further
There I collapsed…finished
But I heard something
In my dirt filled ears
Lying in the land of the dead
It was the softest music at first
Like nothing I had ever heard before
Slowly I began to feel the tug of gravity
Suddenly it lifted me up up up
Out of the dirt
All the way into the big endless sky
Suddenly clouds of dark matter split wide
A golden light
Unlike anything I had ever seen
Shot right through me
I felt love in every cell screaming
Love had raised me from the dead
Then I heard thunderous words
Echoing from everywhere at once


Then I heard every cell
In me singing
I found the music
Was always in me
I just never heard it
Like Apollo singing
Through the underworld
Nothing can touch me now
I’ve got the music in me

How to Be a Loser

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”

—Henry David Thoreau

This begins my master class on how best to apply philsophy. Henry spent a long time in the woods, he went a little crazy. Bodhidharma stared at a wall for years. Cold Mountain lived on a cold mountain. Diogenes lived in a wine barrel. What do most of us do?

Consume and get fat and die of rich person diseases, most without a positive balance in their checking accounts, how absolutely ironic and funny.

Give up the ghost, you are already dead.

Let’s start there, you are a goner. You are not going to win life. Your purpose isn’t to be free or have a happy life or be rich or poor, it’s to spread your DNA and die, to be consumed, to allow the next wave of being.

But let me tell you something, this is the doorway to joy, to Eden.

Failure is freedom!

I feel most folks are utterly asleep and full of 💩 There, I said it. We live in a fishbowl full of turds. I don’t want to be a winner. I don’t want fame or riches. I ain’t gonna start a YouTube channel or TikTok. I mean, I have a YouTube channel that gets 1-100 likes mostly per post. No one likes what I like really and that’s just fine by me.

“The straightforward and good person should be like a smelly goat— you know when they are in the room with you.”

—Marcus Aurelius

I’m weird, a misanthrope, a smelly 🐐 but I love life on this little blue marble, I really do. So I ain’t all bad. Hell is other people Sarte mused and he was close, what he should have said is, hell is yourself, enjoy your stay.

I was one of the walking dead 💀 how did I find my groove, I failed and failed and failed. I became a bum. I wrote my heart. I puked my guts out. I read broadly and saw I was just another bastard. Welcome to the party.

The funniest thing, once you finally embrace the above and stomp around and splash in it, a funny thing happens, people hear you and see you. Your worst fears realized. They want your freedom. Some hate you for it, others sit at your feet.

Well, I don’t have anything to offer the little birds but a kick in the ass out of my nice comfy nest.

There you go, that’s lesson one in how to be a loser.

Silly Musings on Keeping Your Hands Off

“The arising and the elimination of illusion are both illusory. Illusion is not something rooted in Reality; it exists because of your dualistic thinking.

If you will only cease to indulge in opposed concepts such as ‘ordinary’ and ‘Enlightened’, illusion will cease of itself. And then if you still want to destroy it wherever it may be, you will find that there is not a hairsbreadth left of anything on which to lay hold.

This is the meaning of: ‘I will let go with both hands, for then I shall certainly discover the Buddha in my mind’.”

‘The nature of the Mind when understood, No human speech can compass or disclose. Enlightenment is naught to be attained, And he that gains it does not say he knows.’


—from The Zen Teaching of Huang Po

I’ve been studying the early sources of zen, which is the Japanese name and Buddhist/Indian sources. I use the lower case there because what is written is not Zen. You can’t really study Zen on anonymous social media sites. But the discussions can be interesting and revealing of our dualitic thinking.

Anyone claiming truth is making a power play.

No word can reveal this, silence enshrines it. 

Piercing sensory perception and conceptual thought brings an immediate end to illusion. This is directly seeing and perceiving with the mysterious intuition. This awareness is not exclusive to Zen. Plotinus and Eckart seemed to have come to the same place as the sages. 

Hands off, yes, indeed. 


I think this is where the best art comes from.

Feeling this fire is one aspect, but walking into it is a whole other experience.

Walking into the fire is an act of self immolation, sacrifice and an overcoming of fear and is maybe the only courageous thing we can do.

No longer bound by talent or skill or lack thereof, but truly transcending these. 

I would say walking into the fire is an act of faith as well and opens a portal to nowhere and everywhere.

The raw expression of Jack Kerouac from ‘On the Road’ or the writing of his insane mad friend, Neal Cassady, being western examples.

An enlightened, if sad teacher, Harold Bloom, explored the American Sublime deeply through our literature. I like his thinking on these subjects. He’s a bit too brilliant for me though 😉

Reading Jack Kerouac again and Neal recently and Bloom’s Opus, The Daemon Knows as well as the old zen texts.

Jack and his band of merry fools were maybe Holy Barbarians.

Something in their Barbarian ways speaks deeply to me.

I spent my own wild crazy days on the road. 

Now I just enjoy sitting in the garden. 

But that fire lifts you up at key times and can consume you. 

It is too intense to live in. 

The Open Road somehow feels like a quick path to death. 

How many artists have been destructively consumed by the fire of their passions?

But our deeper passions can save us.

Compare these artistic shooting stars to the sages who lived to 120.

I can’t say one way is better than the other.

But I’m in no hurry to shuffle off this mortal coil. 


Blow your horn!

Rage rage rage against the dying of the light.

Love Tears Me Open

I woke up tonight after a dark dream. 

I couldn’t sleep and the Lion told me to offer myself as a lamb to itself. It said it is all that is moving. It told me love kills. To take my small flame I have cultivated and merge it with the only real 🔥 

And I wrote this with some help from my friends…

“Love is like the lion’s tooth.” —W.B. Yeats

I’ll tell you a secret about love
  Life is love and love is life
  A riddle and plainly known

I’ll tell you a secret about love
  You can cultivate your little flame
  But love will kill you when you come close

I’ll tell you a secret about love
  Though love may slay you as a lamb
  You shall be raised up a lion

—smelly goat

“You that come to birth and bring the mysteries, your voice-thunder makes us very happy.  Roar, lion of the heart, and tear me open!” – Rumi

Only now do I realize I have prepared myself as an offering to the Lion. 


Lightening doesn’t mourn
It doesn’t cry
It cracks across the sky

Lightening is always free
It breaks open the earth
It brings new birth

Lightening doesn’t worry
It wins every race
It jumps across time and space

—smelly da 🐐